
ReVIDA Recovery® Knoxville Discusses Fentanyl Identification And Symptoms

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ReVIDA Recovery® Knoxville, based in Tennessee, has published a new blog post that aims to help their community learn how to identify the signs of an individual who has a fentanyl use disorder. The post also discusses how long fentanyl can stay in the system.

In 2021, synthetic opioid overdoses claimed the lives of more than 70,000 people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fentanyl and other synthetic opioids with the same chemical structure are produced in laboratories. Following surgery, doctors utilize them for clinical pain management. Unfortunately, narcotics like fentanyl are now easily accessible online or through drug dealers on the street. They are in the high-risk group for developing dependency because they connect to opioid receptors and cause euphoric emotions. To maximize euphoria, dealers frequently mix fentanyl with other narcotics like heroin. The ease with which an individual can overdose when using fentanyl, however, makes it the most hazardous substance by far.

The staff at ReVIDA Recovery® views the fentanyl problem as a national emergency. Fentanyl-related fatalities are rising yearly, fueled partly by the fact that people are frequently not even conscious of taking it. They can overdose since they have not developed a tolerance to fentanyl because it will be present (unknown to them) in a batch of cocaine or heroin. ReVIDA Recovery® wants to raise people's awareness of this opioid so they will know what to watch out for. Staying safe also requires understanding what fentanyl does to the body and how long it stays in the bloodstream.

Fentanyl affects the part of the brain that manages emotions and pain. Fentanyl frequently produces sensations of euphoria, intense happiness, and pain alleviation in users. When taken under a doctor's guidance, it aids by relieving pain so that the patient can physically recuperate. It is typically taken for a brief period of time, and any negative effects or remaining time on the prescription are closely watched. However, there are numerous harmful side effects of fentanyl use, including euphoria or uncontrolled, overwhelming happiness, confusion, exhaustion, nausea, difficulty breathing, and loss of consciousness. Those who use fentanyl recreationally run the risk of overdosing in addition to the long and short-term adverse effects.

Notably, more overdoses occur as a result of fentanyl than any other drug. Given that fentanyl is 50 - 100 times more potent than its counterpart, morphine, it is very difficult to determine how much may be taken in during consumption. Additionally, those who use it frequently have no idea how much they are ingesting, and without a tolerance for it, their bodies are more liable to malfunction. A fentanyl overdose can be extremely hazardous, so if someone could be overdosing, it is important for anyone who finds them to seek professional help at once.

Some of the symptoms of overdose to be aware of include blue lips, foaming mouth, seizures, loss of consciousness, confusion or odd behavior, and gurgling breath sounds. People usually report experiencing overdose symptoms within seconds or minutes after taking fentanyl. Some medications can counteract a fentanyl overdose, so it is vital to call 911 as soon as possible. The amount of time fentanyl stays in someone’s system depends on multiple factors, such as how it is administered. Fentanyl is administered in three ways: trans-mucosal (oral), intravenous (injection), and transdermal (a skin patch). Each administration method gives fentanyl a different half-life. Transmucosal fentanyl has a half-life of 5-14 hours, intravenous fentanyl has a half-life of 2-4 hours and transdermal fentanyl has a half-life of 17 hours. Age can also affect how quickly the body can rid itself of fentanyl. Liver health can also be a factor as a healthy liver will metabolize fentanyl faster than if it were diseased or unhealthy. How much the individual ate before taking fentanyl will affect the half-life as well, and so will dosage. A higher dose of fentanyl will stay in the system longer than a smaller dose.

At ReVIDA Recovery®, the team knows how overwhelming it is to be dependent on a substance like fentanyl. The staff at ReVIDA Recovery® want all of their patients to know that recovery is possible and that they will not have to feel this way forever. Treatment for those with fentanyl use disorder can transform their life. For questions or to learn about their treatment programs, interested parties may reach ReVIDA Recovery® via phone or email. Their website also provides information about available treatment programs as well as other useful resources.

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About ReVIDA Recovery® Knoxville :

ReVIDA Recovery® promotes safe and healthy communities by empowering individuals to reclaim their lives from opioid use disorder.

Contact ReVIDA Recovery® Knoxville:

Tonya Shelton

2001 Highland Ave
Knoxville, TN 37916


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