
New Delivery Company Now Provides Shared Local Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery Options In Southeast London, Kent, and Sussex

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A Southeast London company, The Delivery Company, now offers local same-day and next-day delivery options to select companies along its own delivery routes. This allows these companies to offer local delivery services without having to invest in their own vans and drivers.

The Delivery Company is offering this service specifically to companies in Southeast London and the "Home Counties," i.e., the areas of Kent and Sussex closest to London.

These companies would not normally find it very economical to offer local delivery because of the cost involved in purchasing or renting vans and hiring drivers. However, by sharing in The Delivery Company's extra capacity, they can now provide local delivery services to their customers while saving on fuel and fees as well as the expense of vans and drivers.

The new company was born as a solution to a costly problem. Watching his vans rumble around his vast distribution area half empty day after day, the owner was wondering why he didn't rent out that extra capacity - thus turning it into an asset.

After consulting with several nearby companies, he found that his idea was very well received. His vans were quickly rebranded and now boast expanded routes with a lot more cargo each day, and running 7 days a week. In addition, the prohibitive congestion charges for London deliveries have become much less onerous, now that they are split with the client companies.

The way it works is that The Delivery Company's drivers pick up their daily deliveries from the home warehouse and then pick up more deliveries from the select local companies during the day - and drop them off at their respective customers' locations.

Depending on location and time of order, many of these deliveries can be made on the same day. In addition, all vans are tracked 24 hours a day and The Delivery Company can provide live updates.

Moreover, with the shared capacity and the fuel savings, The Delivery Company helps protect the environment. At the same time, their collaboration with The Delivery Company allows the client companies to provide a superior customer experience for a lot less than courier services would cost.

More details about The Delivery Company as well as contact information can be found here:

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About The Delivery Company :

The Delivery Company offers customised same-day and next-day delivery options to companies in SE London, Kent, and Sussex in shared vans, saving both parties fuel and fees.

Contact The Delivery Company:

Michael Crane

The Delivery Company
Unit 23, The IO Centre
Armstrong Road
Royal Arsenal
SE18 6RS

[44] 0800-007-5566

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Additional News Releases From The Delivery Company:

March 23, 2017New London Van Sharing Company Now Offers Shared Delivery Service To Small and Medium Sized Companies In London, Kent, And Sussex

January 26, 2017New Delivery Company Now Provides Shared Local Same-Day and Next-Day Delivery Options In Southeast London, Kent, and Sussex