
WPX Hosting Reviews Shared By Chicago SEO Expert

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IL based Chicago Website Design SEO Company (CWDSC) has published a detailed review of the WPX Hosting service and its capabilities. Penned by CWDSC CEO Jack Lombardi, the review explores the many reasons why WPX Hosting is considered the best home for Wordpress sites.

Lombardi begins by acknowledging that many should take the opportunity to consider if their needs would be served well by WPX Hosting, and this applies whether they are preparing to support a new website or are simply curious about better alternatives to their current hosting service. Having tested WPX Hosting fully, it is Lombardi’s opinion that many should give serious consideration to moving to this service, especially given the unique combination of advantages it offers.

As an expert in search engine optimization who has worked in the field for years, Lombardi understands what it takes to edge out ahead of the competition. He believes that every website should be built on a solid foundation in order to flourish, and he has concluded that WPX Hosting is more than capable of being the bedrock for a wide range of applications. It is strongly recommended that everyone learn about WPX Hosting today so they can understand why this is the case.

For instance, he points out that, “Having a fast website is crucial to our online success. Unfortunately, I had to learn this the hard way, and believe me, poor website speed and poor support can kill your online success. It does not matter what your website is about online, you will benefit a great deal from a fast loading website. With the improvement of the website speed, it is easy to increase traffic. This is due to improved search engine visibility; search engines know the importance of load rate and how its load rate impacts the user experience.”

According to Lombardi, WPX Hosting was created to enable fast WordPress loading, and it succeeds in this regard. This may seem to be an arbitrary metric to some, but he says speed is a crucial element of any website’s success. Websites that take 3 seconds or longer to load have been shown to lose more than half of their potential visitors within this period. Users vastly prefer fast, responsive websites that load near-instantaneously, and websites that fail to deliver this experience tend to be perceived less favorably.

This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the vast majority of users who navigate away will likely not give the website another opportunity to change their minds, and they may even keep others away by sharing this negative experience. First impressions matter online, and speed plays a massive role in supporting the impression of a professional, functional website. This has a knock-on effect on how many visitors will turn into customers.

It should be noted that site speed is by no means the only advantage offered by WPX Hosting. As with any IT infrastructure, it is always good practice to create and store backups for worst case scenarios. While some organizations will be capable of doing this by themselves (and should invest in this area if they cannot), WPX Hosting users receive automatic backups as part of the service.

Lombardi explains, “As part of the services I get from WPX Hosting, there are daily website backups. The storage is on a separate server to make sure that whatever is backed up is safe, and stays there for 14 days. If something happens, and it does happen sometimes, the retrieval of backed up files is free. It is also a good idea that you arrange your own backup solutions for extra security.”

Those who are convinced by Lombardi’s case for WPX Hosting will also be pleased to learn that the platform offers a free WordPress website migration service. Given how complicated migrations can be, this essentially takes much of the hassle out of the client’s hands, and the WPX Hosting team will move everything from their current host to a new WPX Hosting account.

Lombardi’s review goes into greater detail about WPX Hosting and its many benefits, especially with regard to SEO. Anyone interested in learning more can find the full review on the Chicago Website Design SEO Company website. Alternatively, they may contact Jack Lombardi and his team for more personalized assistance.

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About Chicago Website Design SEO Company :

Chicago Website Design SEO Company is a full service digital marketing agency. Website design, SEO (search engine optimization) and digital ads are our core services, which include reputation management but not limited to.

Contact Chicago Website Design SEO Company:

Jack Lombardi

Chicago Website Design SEO Company
10 S. Riverside Plaza
Chicago, IL. 60606
(312) 448-8310

(312) 448-8310

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