Have Heart Healing & Wellness, which is based in Seattle, WA, is offering embodied somatics and politicized healing to help people heal from their trauma. All of their clinicians follow a similar framework to help guide people towards becoming the best version of themselves. Their team of counselors and therapists are committed to guide people to trust their bodies, to have relationships that matter, to live from their values, and to find more resilience in the face of oppression and trauma. More about Have Heart Healing & Wellness can be gleaned from https://havehearthealing.com/.
A spokesperson from Have Heart Healing & Wellness says, “Trauma and oppression want to keep you small and from taking the steps to heal. They keep you in a loop of anxiety. You can’t get the eating disorder voice out of your head. You can’t be you. If you don’t take action, you could keep feeling stuck. You might feel even more burnt out, more alone in it. You wonder what your purpose is. You keep feeling distracted and unsure of yourself and the world. Anxiety seems to run your day. You continue to be at war with your body. That is one possible future. It isn’t the only one. You could reach out for help. Reaching out is a risk–a risk that might allow you to have more of what you want.”
During the first session, a highly qualified therapist will provide more information to the client about how they work, particularly their unique approach to counseling. During this initial session, they will never ask the client what is wrong because the brain is really good at leaning towards the negative. That is why they will begin differently. They want the individual to affirm who they are and then get to know the client as they start the therapy. Those who want to know more about Have Heart Healing & Wellness can visit their Instagram page at https://www.instagram.com/healingwithheart_/.
One of their important services is embodied trauma therapy. What is read as trauma by a person’s nervous system is actually dependent on a variety of factors, but experiences of material scarcity and oppression reduce the person’s ability to be resilient when faced with trauma. Traumatic experiences and conditions can rupture connection, break safety, reduce dignity. Their trauma therapist will work through the body because that is where the trauma resides. In somatic or body-based therapy for trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), they work with the individual’s nervous system to allow the person to move on from the difficult things that have happened to them. Their trauma therapists want the individual to have an embodied sense of dignity, safety, and belonging that enables them to take action toward what they really care about.
Each of their therapists and counselors are competent and committed to provide embodied trauma healing, eating disorder recovery work from a fat liberation framework, and are also trans and queer competent. As a practice, they are committed to centering trans, black, queer, and indigenous people of color. They are also trauma informed, weight neutral, poly and kink affirming, and sex worker affirming.
The therapists and counselors at Have Heart Healing & Wellness include the mental health therapists and politicized healers: Sydney Woolston, Camille Primous, Danny Kochanowski, Becca Emrick, Kyle DeVries. Lenni Shea, Caitlin Bergman, and Ana Ruediger. They also include: Aster Galloway, body liberation dietitian and politicized healer; Lauren Kite, operations manager; Brandi Schiller, billing specialist; and a client care coordinator.
Launched in 2015, Have Heart Healing & Wellness has the mission of providing heart focused and embodied politicized healing for people who have been most affected by the effects of trauma and oppression. They understand that it can be difficult to reach out and get started with trauma healing. That is why they are ready to do everything to make the steps as stress-free as possible. They will go over the important details with the individual and then set expectations about how they will be working together.
Those who are interested in starting their healing journey with Have Heart Healing & Wellness can go to https://havehearthealing.com/new-clients-start-here/.