Personal injury attorney Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C., and his law firm are providing legal representation to those suffering from the mistakes or negligence of others. They offer legal services to those who have been in situations involving car accidents, slip-and-fall injuries, assault, medical malpractice, defamation, worker’s compensation, nursing home violations, and many more.
Personal injury is defined as any physical (bodily), mental, or emotional (psychological) harm experienced by a person. It does not include any damage to property. It can be caused by the direct actions, inaction, or negligence of a third party. As per U.S. law, a person can enter a claim to seek compensation from a party that has been found to be responsible in some way for causing the injury. This can either happen in a settlement agreement or via a lawsuit.
A settlement agreement is reached out of court. In a settlement, both parties agree to monetary or other types of compensation. A settlement agreement requires that the injured party will not be able to enter a lawsuit at a later date to receive future compensation for the injury. This includes cases where long-term or unforeseen issues arise as a result of the injury. A settlement agreement usually covers all current and future medical costs along with other costs related to the injury.
A lawsuit is a civil legal case where monetary or financial compensation is sought for bodily or psychological injury in a court of law. The person who brings the lawsuit is called the plaintiff and the third party being sued is called the respondent. The plaintiff has to prove proof of physical or psychological injury along with proof of how the respondent was responsible for it. The matter is then presided on by a judge that determines the amount of compensation, if any, is applicable in the matter. A lawsuit is usually the last recourse that is brought when all negotiations for a settlement fail or the respondent claims they are not liable for the damage caused.
There are two kinds of compensation that can be sought in a personal injury case. They can either be compensatory or punitive. Compensatory damages are intended for expenses or financial losses that the plaintiff experienced as a direct result of personal injury. This can include compensation for medical expenses, any future medical care, loss of income, additional expenses, canceled or altered plans, pain, suffering, or mental anguish. Punitive damages are meant as a financial punishment or penalty for the respondent to be held accountable for their behavior and are awarded at the discretion of the court.
A spokesperson for the law firm talks about settlements and lawsuits by saying, “When you have been in an accident that has caused you considerable bodily harm or psychological damage, your first instinct might be to take the settlement that the insurance company representing the person who is at fault might be offering. It is tempting to take the offer and put the past behind you. However one must exercise some patience in such situations because what is counterintuitive to realize is that the quicker you try to move on with your life, the higher the chance that you are going to get a raw deal. It is very important to have someone in your corner that understands the legal process and has the experience of dealing with the legal system in personal injury cases. An experienced lawyer, such as one from Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Attorneys at Law, will help you navigate the legal waters and ensure you end up getting the fairest and highest compensation that you are owed. Call us today and you will find out why Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. is the best personal injury attorney Valdosta has to offer.”
Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. Attorneys at Law can be contacted at the phone number 1-888-579-1790 or they can be reached by heading over to their website and interacting with an AI assistant.
Valdosta Accident Attorneys - Let the Attorneys at the Valdosta offices of Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. handle your personal injury and auto accident cases. Our lawyers specialize in auto accidents and car crash claims as well as 18 wheeler wrecks.
2935 N Ashley St #127, Valdosta, GA 31602
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